School Counseling
Welcome! The Rye Middle School counselors work closely with parents, faculty, and administrators to provide students with academic guidance and planning, personal and family guidance, and counseling services throughout their middle school years. In addition to the school counselors, the school psychologists and the social workers are available to assist students and their families. For an overview of course descriptions, please refer to the Program of Studies.
Contacts & Emails
Dina Farewell
School Counselor, Grade 6
914-967-6100 Ext 3053
Robert Villanova
School Counselor, Grade 7
914-967-6100 Ext 3051
Vanessa Caine
School Counselor, Grade 8
914-967-6100 Ext 3052
Marie Zambardi
Senior Office Assistant
914-967-6100 Ext 3050